What does face toner do? How does it actually work?

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By Emily Powell

Facial Toner: What Does Face Toner Do and How Does It Actually Work?

What Is Face Toner?

Facial toner is a beauty product that has gained popularity in recent years for its ability to improve the overall appearance and health of the skin.

But what exactly is face toner? Simply put, it is a liquid solution that is applied to the skin after cleansing and before moisturizing. It often contains ingredients such as water, glycerin, and plant extracts that help to balance the skin’s pH levels, remove impurities and excess oil, and hydrate the skin.

how does toner actually work featured image with a woman applying toner onto a cotton pad in the background

What does toner do for your face?

Blah blah blah. That all sounds like words the marketing department wrote to put on the bottle, right?

Ok then, let’s chat about how toner actually works. We’re going to use a little analogy. Bear with me.

Think of your skin like a big dry cotton puffball.

You drop a drop of food coloring on it and the dye will spread a little, but it generally stays contained to where it initially fell.

Now wet the cotton ball. Apply the same drop of dye. The dye will spread out further and more evenly when the cotton ball is wet.

Your skin without toner is like the dry cotton ball. With toner, it’s like the wet one. It allows the skin to more evenly absorb product, while providing a whole host of other benefits.

So essentially toner can better hydrate your skin (and depending on other ingredients, do a whole host of other things) so it’s better prepped for serum, lotion, and whatever products you put on it next.

Who should be using a toner?

Individuals whose other steps aren’t working as expected

If you’ve been struggling with some of your other products not really working as expected, a toner may be a great addition to your routine.

It can help your moisturizer sink in better so you don’t get dry patches or flaky skin.

Individuals who have hard water

Have hard water? If you do, adding a toner to your routine can be helpful for removing that residue (if you know, you know). Plus, it can help reset your skin’s pH balance which can lean alkaline.

Do You Need to Use a Face Toner?

The short answer is no, you don’t absolutely need to use a face toner. However, using one can greatly benefit your skin and improve the effectiveness of your other products.

Some dermatologists say it’s fine. Others say “no need”.

What does facial toner do for your skin?

Facial toner works by penetrating deep into the pores of the skin and removing any remaining traces of excess dirt, makeup, oil, or any residual impurities that may have been missed during cleansing.

This helps to prevent clogged pores and breakouts, leaving the skin feeling clean and refreshed. Additionally, toner helps to balance the skin’s pH levels, which can become disrupted by harsh cleansers or environmental factors.

In a nutshell, here are the main things toner does for your skin:

Helps remove oil and makeup

Toner helps to remove any excess oil or makeup that may still be on the skin after cleansing. This can help prevent breakouts and improve the overall appearance of the skin.

Balances pH levels

Our skin has a natural pH level of around 5.5, which is slightly acidic. However, many cleansers can disrupt this balance by stripping away too much oil and causing the skin’s pH to become more alkaline. Toner helps to bring the skin back to its natural acidic state, which can improve its overall health and appearance.

Hydrates and prepares the skin for other products

By removing impurities and balancing pH levels, toner allows other skincare products, such as serums and moisturizers, to better penetrate deeper into the skin and be more effective. It also helps to hydrate the skin, leaving it plump and ready for other products.

Helps to hydrate and plump the skin

Many toners contain hydrating ingredients, such as glycerin which helps to keep the skin moisturized and prevent dryness. This can improve the texture and appearance of the skin, making it look more youthful and radiant.

Reduces the appearance of pores

Toners also work to tighten and shrink the appearance of pores, giving the skin a smoother and more refined look. This can be especially beneficial for those with oily or acne-prone skin.

Can provide anti-aging benefits

Some toners contain anti-aging ingredients such as antioxidants or exfoliants that can help to reduce the signs of aging on healthy skin, such as fine lines and wrinkles. By removing dead skin cells and promoting cell turnover, toner can leave the skin looking more youthful and radiant.

Can calm your skin down

If you have redness or inflammation on your face, a toner with calming ingredients like chamomile or rose water can help to soothe and reduce the appearance of irritation. This makes natural toners great for those with sensitive skin.

What Are the Benefits of Face Toner?

The benefits of face toner go beyond just cleansing and balancing the skin’s pH levels. Some additional benefits include:

Helps to control oil production

For those with oily skin, toner can be a game-changer. It helps to remove excess oil and prevent clogged pores, keeping the skin looking matte and reducing breakouts.

Can improve acne-prone skin

Toners that contain salicylic acid or benzoyl peroxide can be especially beneficial for those with acne-prone skin. These ingredients help to unclog pores, reduce inflammation, and prevent future breakouts.

Can brighten and refresh the skin

Toners containing vitamin C or fruit extracts can help to brighten the complexion and give a healthy glow to the skin. They can also provide a refreshing sensation, making them perfect for use in the morning or as a mid-day pick-me-up.

Can improve the effectiveness of other products

By removing impurities and prepping the skin, toner can help the rest of your skin care routine work more effectively. This means you may see better results from your serums, moisturizers, and treatments.

How to use toner

If you already use astringent products in your routine like tretinoin, you may want to avoid astringent toners and go with one that’s gentler. Some toners have high levels of acids (AHA, Glycolic acid, etc.). You should treat these the same way you’d treat other active products with acid – with care. Overuse can cause irritation.

If you do still use these harsher products as your toner, please ignore all further advice in this section, as we’ll be concentrating on Kbeauty and Jbeauty type toners that are way gentler than what you’re used to.

How to apply toner

Have a gentler toner? Apply it after cleansing by patting it in with your hands. Don’t use a cotton pad so you don’t waste any product on the cotton.

Afterward, let it absorb for around 30 seconds before going to your next step.

We recommend following up with your serum and moisturizer while your skin is still damp from the toner, as this can help lock in moisture.

You can use toner both morning and night, but if you prefer to keep things simple, using it at night is enough. However, if you have oily skin or need extra hydration, using it twice a day may be beneficial.

Are you supposed to wash toner off your face?

No, you do not need to wash off toner. Let it absorb into the skin on its own for maximum effectiveness.

Do you use moisturizer or toner first?

Toner first.

Is Face Toner Suitable for All Skin Types?

Yes, toners can be suitable for all skin types.

However, it’s essential to choose a toner that is right for your specific skin tone, concerns and needs.

For dry or sensitive skin, look for a gentle and hydrating toner with ingredients like aloe vera, rose water, or chamomile. Steer clear of any toners with alcohol or harsh acids that may strip the skin barrier.

For oily or acne-prone skin, look for toners with ingredients like salicylic acid can help control oil and prevent breakouts.

For combination skin, you may benefit from using different toners on different areas to even skin tone of the face. For example, a hydrating toner on dry patches and an astringent toner on oily areas.

If you’re unsure which toner is best for your skin type, consult with a dermatologist or skincare specialist. They can recommend the right product for your specific needs and concerns.

What should I look for in my facial toner?

Modern toners are way different from the toners of the past.

Remember the burn your dry skin would feel when you wiped a Stridex pad over it? Ouch. That feeling still is burned into my brain.

Good news is that today’s toners are nothing like that (although they do still sell Stridex pads, I believe).

Here are some key ingredients to look for in your next facial toner:

Glycolic acid

An alpha hydroxy acid that exfoliates dead skin cells and promotes cell turnover, leaving the skin looking bright and smooth.

Witch hazel

A natural astringent that can help to tighten pores and reduce inflammation in acne-prone skin.

Green tea extract

Green team extract is an antioxidant-rich ingredient can help to protect the skin against environmental damage and reduce redness or irritation.

Hyaluronic acid

This ingredient helps to hydrate and plump the skin, giving it a more youthful appearance. It also helps other products absorb better into the skin.

Chelating ingredients

Chelating agents in skincare are ingredients that can bind with metal ions, such as those found in hard water, to neutralize their effects. This can be particularly beneficial for individuals living in areas with hard water, as these ingredients help to mitigate the potential negative impacts of the minerals in the water on the skin. Look for EDTA, phytic acid, sodium phytate, citric acid, and sodium gluconate.

Avoid Alcohol

Maybe witch hazel too. You can also try to avoid bad alcohol like sd40.

When choosing a toner, make sure to avoid the ingredient list of any face toners with high levels of alcohol content or high concentrations of harsh acids that could potentially further irritate sensitive skin and dry out your skin. Instead, opt for gentler options that are free from these ingredients.

Toner vs. Essence

Toner and essence are two popular skincare products in eastern beauty routines. While they may sound similar, they serve different purposes.

Toners are typically used to balance pH levels and remove impurities from the skin. They should be used after cleansing and before serums or moisturizers.

Essences, on the other hand, are more concentrated products that are used after toners and before serums. They often contain a higher amount of active ingredients to target specific skin concerns, such as anti-aging or brightening.

Think of toner as the first step in your skincare routine, while essence is a more specialized treatment step.

Toner vs. Micellar Water

Micellar water is a popular cleansing alternative to traditional facial cleansers. It consists of tiny micelles suspended in soft water that can attract and remove dirt, makeup, and other impurities from the skin.

Micellar water is not a replacement for toner; it’s actually used prior to toning.

Micellar water contains surfactants and is typically rinsed off. While it may technically provide some hydration, in the long run, it can actually dry out your skin because its primary purpose is to cleanse.

If you’re looking for the benefits facial toners have above, use toner in your skin care routine.

What does face toner do?

Hopefully you know the answer now!

Toner is a great addition to many individual’s daily routine. Finding the right toner for you can be a game changer for your skin care routine. Your skin will be perfectly prepped and ready to soak up the rest of your routine even better.

We hope you learned enough about toner in this article to make an informed decision about whether or not it is for you. And if you do try it and see a significant difference in the glowiness of your skin, let us know.

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